Thursday, December 15, 2011


Need a super easy meal for those bustling pre-holiday nights?  Pizza is fast and easy and fairly nutritious, providing you pile on the veggies.  You can make it vegan, you can make it organic, and you can even make it gluten free.  And you can make it Fast.  Emile Henry's Flame Top Pizza Stone makes pizza easy and delicious, and it does it with that fabulous eco friendly French clay.

The pizza stones I've tried in the past  (two of them) were just not functional.  Little bits of food and oil would remain on the stone, baked in, only to smoke and create a bad burning smell the next time I tried to use it. I couldn't cut my pizza on the stone, so I had to then transfer it to another surface, and the traditional stones stain and are near impossible to get really clean.

What  I love about this pizza stone is that I don't have to worry about any chemicals leaching into my food.  Ergonomic handles make it easy to get in and out of the oven (others don't have handles at all) as well as add to the cool design.  I can cut the pizza right on the stone which saves having to wash another surface like a cutting board or serving dish.   And it's washable by hand or dishwasher and won't absorb soap-taste like other stones.  It's super easy to clean and takes just a minute or two even with stuff baked on.

Trader Joes has pre-made pizza dough for $1.29 that couldn't be easier.  Pair it with vegan cheese (or organic cheese which TJ's also has cheap) and load it up with veggies.  Children love to make their own pizza and sprinkle their favorite toppings all over the pie.  It really makes veggies more appealing to them in this context and you'd be surprised how easy it is to get them to eat vegetables this way.

It's also great for frozen pizzas (there are several great vegan, vegetarian, organic and gluten free options now), the stone helps make the crust bake optimally, and it keeps your oven clean.  It makes a lovely presentation on the table, elevating the frozen pizza to a nice looking dinner.  Pair with a salad and you've got a fabulous kid friendly meal.

You can use the stone for baking bread, but I have not tried this.  I think you could also use it as a serving platter for appetizers and whatnot.  The pizza stone comes in a gift worthy box, making it a great pick for holiday gifts as well and comes in several colors.  Find it HERE.