Friday, December 30, 2011

3 Eco Friendly Calendar Options for 2012

Need a calendar for 2012?  I use electronic calendars, but I still rely more on that paper calendar on the fridge.  My son and I love to set goals and then circle the dates for the days we acheived our goal.  For instance, every day I have a green juice, I highlight the date with a green highlighter.  For days we meditate, we circle that with a blue highlighter, and so forth.  It's fun to see all the green circles at the end of the month and gives you a sense of accomplishment.  It's nice to track your progress and it's fun to have a goal.  It could be anything, reading, running, doing a good deed, whatever you want to work on.

Check out this ENVIROMENTAL ART Calendar from Amber Lotus.  All of the Amber Lotus calendars are made from recycled paper and soy ink and they have a strong overall environmental policy (read here).  Environmental Art features  archives from, a non profit online gallery of environmental art.  Some are community based eco art installations which make a statement by incorporating objects from a clean-up, and some are more fleeting nature sculpture meant to be absorbed back into the environment.
WANDERLUST is another great option which features gorgeous photographs of Mother Nature and quotes from adventurers who embraced walking and the wild, like John Muir and Walt Whitman.  It's lovely inspiration to get out there and enjoy mother nature on foot and makes a beautiful presentation on the wall or fridge.
For Children, I love this LITTLE CRITTERS Calendar featuring artwork by Kate Endle.  These sweet images are perfect for little ones--my son loves having his own calendar and is fascinated by the passage of time.  He loves to anticipate holidays and special events and having a calendar puts it all into perspective for him.  Find this and many other eco friendly options HERE on the Amber Lotus website.