Sunday, February 14, 2010

High Raw Detox Day 10 ♥and happy valentines day♥

Mid Morning:  Green juice consisting of cabbage, parsley, kale, cilantro, cuke, ginger, carrot.
Lunch:  Big Salad, steamed broccoli, raw tortilla chips.
Chocolate Tea--more on this stuff later, it's made by East Bluff Trading Co. and tastes wonderful.  My son said, "It tastes like brownies!"
Dinner:  Big salad with avocado, orange peppers (see the heart?). Two squares dark mint chocolate.  Happy Valentine's Day everybody, thank you for your support on my detox!  ♥xo♥


bitt said...

i love teas that have interesting flavors. i tried some with cacao nibs. mmm.

Eco Mama said...

That sounds great Bitt.
Eco Mama