Thursday, October 13, 2011

Got the Facts on Milk?

Still think milk is a healthy drink?  Watch GOT THE FACTS ON MILK? and learn why it's a problem with far reaching tendrils  With our healthcare system in crisis why are we still consuming something which is implicated in so many diseases?  Have we all been brainwashed to think milk is needed for healthy bones?  Yes!  But it's just the opposite.   How has this happened?  How are we still operating under outdated bad information?

Got the Facts on Milk explores some of the reasons we got into this way of thinking and how the dairy industry permeates our culture.   Heavy hitters like Dr. Campbell of the China Study, Dr. Furhman, and Dr. Barnard speak out on why dairy is Not healthy and contributes to cancer, diabetes, obesity, and a myriad of other serious health issues.

This is very important for people who still think it's a good idea for children to have milk with their lunches.  In  some states, it's still required. Schools should be banning milk, not requiring it!  At any rate, this is a very watchable, award winning documentary that should be in every school and library.  Find more HERE.