They're trying to tell us that cell phones are relatively safe, but the so-called study from
Interphone was not realistic and not conclusive. They're saying cell phones may or may not cause brain tumors. This sort of thing really urks me--t
hey know cell phones are not safe. They found that anyone using a cell phone for 10+ years has at least a doubled risk for brain cancer. "Heavy Users" have an increase of 40% risk. "There are suggestions of a risk." What?
Children, who are much more vulnerable, are using them and this is unacceptable. Another study, in Sweden, found that people who begin using cell phones in their teen years and on into adulthood for ten years had a 400% increased risk. At least allow parents to be educated enough to make an informed decision, don't whitewash the danger. Men aren't even supposed to carry cell phones in their pants pockets because they kill sperm. Does that not freak anybody out?
Bluetooth and speakerphone are the solutions that I keep hearing about, but for me, that's not going to cut it.
Bottom line for me--I do have a cell phone, but it's for emergencies. On rare occasion (less than once a month) when I need to use the phone to connect with someone I'm trying to meet up with or whatever, I put the phone on speaker and make the call as short as possible. I made this change long ago, so I'm okay there.
The concern I have is my cordless phones at home. There are no conclusive studies there either, however many claim that though it's a different frequency than cell phones, it's still dangerous. Some say they're even more dangerous. So, rather than fretting about this any more, I am going back to the land line. It sucks because I love my pre-programmed numbers, I love my caller id, I love that I can walk around a be productive while I talk (yes I know they make land lines with these features, but they are not the same at all). This will not be an easy change for me, but it's worth it.
I am a technology geek. I love technology, and I am in no way suggesting technology is a bad thing, I just want it to be safer. And I want profit to take a back seat to the health of human beings. I'm so fed up with this make a buck at all costs to the consumer mentality here in the US. We all have to be so on guard all the time--it's ridiculous. They poison our food, our water, our air, and on and on. We shouldn't have to research everything before use--it should be standard that things are safe
before going on the market.
Here's more info on cell phones:
EWG Urges Disclosure of Cell Phone Radiation at Point of Sale
Cell Phone Radiation Report
Image Credit: Pottery Barn)